Friday, November 12, 2010

May I?

May I just brag on my boys for a few seconds? I was sitting here today, the house was silent, the kiddos were napping, and I was counting my blessings. I looked around at my house, and I thanked God for my husband, who works so hard for our family, who leaves us wanting nothing, and on top of that comes home at night and just wants to be with us. I hear about dads who come home, expect a hot meal on the table and the remote. Miles gives and gives and gives of himself, whether working or being with the kids, and makes our lives so full and enjoyable. (And he does get that hot meal once in awhile!!). I'm thankful that our fridge is full, our car is in perfect shape (if only I'd quit hitting the mirror on the way out of the garage!), and our bills are paid.

Then we have our little Miles. His personality is addicting. He wakes up, asks me to give "Mickey, Bear, and Puppy" hugs, and then says "Miles (pronounced 'Mawles') hug too". He is 22 months old, and his learning capacity is incredible. He counts to 10, can identify each number 1-10 buy sight, can say his alphabet (he skips about 5 letters), and he is speaking in three word sentences. He sleeps all night, naps well, and loves going to church and Costco! His favorite thing to do is sit on the couch with mommy or daddy and Max, and read stories. He could read and read and read all day. Oh, and he poops on the potty 99% of the time. He amazes me.

And then there is little Max. He, unlike his big brother when HE was this age, sleeps all night. He turns into a pumpkin around 7pm, and sleeps until 5am when mommy usually has to wake him up to get some relief (if you know what I mean)! Then he goes back to sleep until about 7am, and wakes up so I can have some time with just him before big brother wakes up. He learned to blow bubbles back to us, smiles like CRAZY, loves to 'stand up', and is the happiest little guy. Even though he is teething and has his moments, he is such an AMAZING joy in our lives!

I'm so thankful for the Lord who has blessed us with everything we need, and so much more!

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