Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Clubhouse--Revealed!!!

My apologies for taking so long to post anything. My husband and I have been sitting around eating bon bons and watching TV so I've been really lazy lately. (That was a joke =). Actually, as usual, we have been super busy. Its amazing how many projects you can find to do on a house and yard! Anyway, moving right along.... 

A few years ago when we only had Miles V and Max running around, my husband told me he had a vision to build a playhouse on top of our already existing dog pen for the kids to play in and make their own. Sure honey, ok honey, whatever you want... that was my response. Because at the time I didn't see how we could possibly need more space for the kids to play. Fast forward two years, a daddy who mentioned this to the four year old and then never heard the end of it, approval from our HOA... and viola! The clubhouse was built. My amazingly talented husband, our wonderful friend Chris and the boys' awesome Papa spent three Sundays over the past two months working their butts off to build this clubhouse for the boys. And when you see the picture, you will see why the clubhouse is (appropriately) named our "Mini-Wide." While it may slightly resemble a small version of a single-wide modular home, it is absolutely perfect. The boys literally have the neighbor kids knocking on the door to come visit and play. It is equipped with a ladder to enter, electricity, real windows, and bumpy slide to exit. It is the perfect addition to the beautiful yard that my husband has created for us! 

Personally, I think it has a lot more style than this:

While we were working, Mason got into some mischief in the well of the tree we planted when he was born.. I guess he was hungry :).

Lets be honest. The ladder is really for us grownups. This is the correct way to enter the clubhouse. Even Mason gives it a whirl. Oh, and please don't mind my four year old's sagging pants. He is not trying to make a fashion statement, he is just genuinely trying to fit into his 3T shorts!!!

Inside is pretty basic. A coloring station. An awesome Mickey tent. An old rug (when we replace our house carpet Miles has visions of carpeting the whole clubhouse with our old stuff..). I envision a few bean bag chairs in here, some curtains....

And of course, the most fun way to exit the clubhouse on a hot day. Oh yes, and that slide flips up so the grass underneath can be watered, get sun, and be mowed. Genius I tell you.

The 'year of the closets' was put on hold while the clubhouse was under construction. But Miles and I, being completely unable to relax and NOT have a project to be working on, have another closet next on our list. Photos of that to follow hopefully someday soon!..

And now, back to TV and bon bons. :)
