Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Mason Lucas!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalm 139:13-14

One year ago, we welcomed our third little man into our lives. It is so hard to believe that we just met him a year ago, it feels like he has been a part of our lives forever. This year has been amazing; fun, busy, exciting, and challenging. I read an article recently that stated going from 2-3 children is the hardest transition a family can go through. As far as I am concerned, that theory is true! While there have been a few tough moments, I would not trade them for anything in the world! 
Enjoy some pictures of Mason's first year, and my letter to him at the bottom! 

Mason Lucas, 7lbs 8oz , born June 6, 2012

I'm sorry, was that birth tiring for you too?! :) 

I absolutely LOVE Miles's face in this picture!!! First time meeting each other! 

First attempt at family picture as a family of 5. Tired much! :) 

Mason, 2 mos old (We caught winks whenever we could this year!)

Mason 3 months old

Typical picture attempt :) 

Mason 4 mos old

Mason 7 months old

Mason 10 months old

Mason @ 1 year old

To my dear Mason on your first birthday,
It is impossible to believe that a whole year has passed since you came into our lives. Your presence in our family is perfect and we all love you so much. You were my hardest birth so far, although I hear that hard is a relative term. :) There is so much I love about you. I love how determined you are. Just last night, while the brothers were playing in the clubhouse, I watched you try for 15 minutes to climb up the slide to get to them. You refused to give up, and it made me so proud watching you. You are determined in other, not-so-fun areas of your life too; you are determined to be my first child to nurse past his first birthday; you are determined NOT to sleep through the night no matter how hard we try; and you are determined to crawl instead of walk, even though I am sure you could walk if you wanted to. That determination will come in handy in life, dear son, so don't ever stop trying!

You hate to be told no. If someone tells you no, you stick out your big pouty lip in a dramatic fashion and proceed to wail uncontrollably and put on quite the production. Unless, however, it is mom telling you NO. Then you laugh and giggle and continue on your merry way.

You make everyone happy with your big dramatic wave and your smile. Even the grumpy old man in line behind us at the grocery store (yes, the one who desperately tried to ignore you but couldn't resist your charms!!). Everyone you see, you call 'Dada'. The dog, me, your big brothers, and even that grumpy old man! But you truly know who your Dada is... your face lights up and you try to leap out of my arms everyday when you see his truck pulling up. Other than Dada, your other favorite word to say is 'That?' Whenever you see something, you ask 'That?' As in, 'What's that?' C-to the UTE =)

And boy, do you like to eat!! I guess you got that trait from Mama. :) You eat anything and everything, and Lord help the person who is feeding you if they leave you with an empty tray momentarily! Your brothers were both timid when presented with their first birthday cakes... somehow I don't think you will have the same reaction!

Your brothers have nick-named you 'Goudee' and I love how much they love you. (And how much you love them!!) You are growing so fast, and you are the first Shiver boy to actually be wearing the size clothes that correspond to your age. Each time I pack away another set of clothes you have outgrown, I can't help but think that perhaps it is the last time one of my babies will wear those clothes (and really, it is time for some pink in our wardrobe!!).

I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming, and I am so very excited to see where God leads you in your next year, and beyond. I love you, sweet Goudee!


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