Friday, June 21, 2013

Father's Day 2013

This summer has been SOOOO fun so far, and each weekend it just seems like we have another fun thing to look forward to. Last weekend was our first lake trip of the season, and really, one of the first we've had in a few summers. Last year we had a newborn on our hands so we only went on Labor Day, and that was not the most enjoyable trip dealing with fussy baby, and a baby who couldnt be in the sun, etc. So Papa and Daddy were very excited to hit the water for Father's Day. 

Unfortunately, the trip didn't start out as planned. Friday we ran into one obstacle after another trying to leave. Recently repaired A/C in the Suburban went out, even though it was working perfectly the night before. So we switched everything over to Papa's truck, only to get in and realize that his truck which isn't very old and had no problems whatsoever also had the A/C go out, and then other problems like a belt falling off, etc. So back to the Suburban it was. Once we were finally ready to pull out hours after planned, with the Suburban's AC working but not very well, a small accident occurred between my inlaw's 5th wheel and the post for their camper port. The damage was minimal and repairable, but as the storm clouds rolled in, Gma Geez and I realized that God was trying to tell us to not to go that night. So, the guys fixed the camper, the kids played, the baby napped, and then we all headed out for Mexican and an unexpected (but wonderful) Friday night at home. We got up Saturday morning and tried again, this time without incident. 

We arrived at Abiqui lake and got set up. Camper was leveled, stuff unpacked, and then we realized that the hookup for the electric wasn't working. After about an hour of checking fuses, changing plugs, etc, the camp host was able to get it going. Whew. By this time, the guys were super anxious to get on the lake, but the lake had other plans and the wind had picked up. So everyone went out for a nice boat ride, and Mason and I stayed behind and napped. When they returned, Geez and I had to run into town to get some stuff we needed for the boat and jet skis that we were test driving, and then it was time for dinner. The boys hoped to get out skiing after dinner but again the weather had other ideas, so we just hung out. The kids played, we had a nice dinner and relaxed. I was nervous to shove all 5 of us into the bunkhouse, but sleeping actually worked out PERFECTLY. We were cozy, the boys didn't wake each other up, and Mason actually slept straight through until 430am!

Sunday morning dawned, and with it so did we. An anxious grandpa made us breakfast and got us up at 6 to take advantage of the amazing early morning water. It was perfect skiing conditions, and although it was a tad cold, even mamma couldn't resist getting out there and skiing. We had such a beautiful morning on the lake and I was so thankful that the dad's got to do what they love on Father's Day. After skiing we came back, had a nice pasta lunch, and then headed home. It was a great way to celebrate Father's Day, and I know that Miles loved it. (We did not, however, love the sore muscles all week. I guess that summer off last year took it's toll on our skiing muscles!!). 

Throughout the hustle and bustle of the weekend, we were able to steal some quality time and just enjoy being together. That is one of my favorite things about going away to the lake for the weekend. We are smack dab in the middle of God's beautiful creation, with the people we love, and no 'work' to distract us. We get to sit around, read books, talk, play cards, and enjoy our family. This weekend especially, we were so happy to get  a day to celebrate daddy. I wish I could convey in words the amazing man, father, and husband that God has blessed our family with. Miles is everything I've ever dreamed, and more. I am SO very proud of him, and my boys absolutely adore him. When you ask my four year old what he wants to be when he grows up, without missing a beat he says he wants to be a dad, and to work with HIS dad at Duke City. He also tells us that he will move in with his wife to our neighbor's house and live right next to us. Yesterday I asked him what he would do if his wife doesn't want to do that. He said, "Well I will just tell her that is what we are going to do!" HAHAHAHA I am so thankful for this family!!!! Thank you Miles for being a shining example of God's love to me and our kids! We love you so much! 


Here was Max being so helpful and pulling in the rope. 

Max pretending to skii like Daddy and Papa

Papa's turn

Daddy's turn! 


And here is Miles jumping into the lake like a big kid! He is doing SOOOO well swimming and we are so proud of him! 

And Mama got in on the action! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mason's One Year Well Check

Last Thursday Mason had his 1 year well-check and we were very anxious to see where he was on the charts. He took his shots like a champ, only crying for literally 5 seconds.

He weighed in a whooping 17.8lbs. When Dr. Koil pulled up the chart, Mason was less than the 3rd percentile. I thought that sounded familiar, so we pulled up Miles's stats at the same age, and sure enough, they are almost identical for height and weight. Miles was 17.6lbs. It was at 12 months with Max that he literally fell off the charts and Dr. Koil ran him through a battery of tests, even testing for cystic fibrosis to make sure that he was healthy. Max at 12 months weighed only 15.2lbs!! We knew he was tiny but it wasn't until I lookat Mason now to realize how small Max was. Looking back at pictures from Max's 2nd birthday, Mason is now wearing the clothes at 1 year that Max wore at his two year birthday. Its amazing how different one child to the next is. We are so thankful that Max turned out to be healthy, is growing, and now is very normal sized for an almost 3 year old.

I know it is kind of hard to see but here is Mason's chart for weight.

Doctor's visits are always fun for us (minus the shot part). I love seeing how the boys have grown, and it helps that we love our pediatrician. We spent 25 minutes talking to him about life and our families before we realized that maybe we should talk about Mason. :) Sorry to all those patients waiting after us!

Here are the brothers waiting patiently while Mason got checked over. These are some awesome little men!!!

This picture was a few days after his checkup, but I couldn't resist posting it. This kiddo loves to eat and he practically inhaled his white cheddar shells and cheese macaroni from Panera Bread. But then again, it is about the most delicious thing, I wanted to inhale it too!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mason's 1st Birthday Party

When Mason was born, a sweet friend from church gave him a little stuffed duck. It is the 'lovie' that he has latched on to and it only seemed right that we themed his party around the duck.  His invite said "Splish Splash, we're having a bash!" And the bath/ducky theme was carried on throughout the party. The kids had so much fun playing, and as a bonus Aunt Amber, Uncle Charlie, James and Katie were in town so the cousins had an amazing weekend (more on that visit in another post). It was 100 degrees on Saturday, so naturally, a water-fight ensued, and even the birthday boy received a water balloon in the back of the head! He laughed and enjoyed it too!! Enjoy some pictures from the day! 

The 'Goudie' bags as they were named after Mason's nickname. The squirt guns were the inspiration for the water fight. Yes, those are ducky whistles, and Superhero-themed rubber duckies!! (How I love Amazon!)

These are the labels I made: "I'm a lucky duck. Thanks for celebrating with me!"

The completed bags

 On the left is the ducky that inspired the whole party. The cake on the right was one of my husband's famous 1st birthday cakes! He made Mason a ducky sitting in a bathtub.

Ducky feet leading to the house.... 

When Miles and Max heard about the theme of the party, they said they wanted to help make some decorations. Over the past few weeks they had colored, cut out, and glued these ducks to construction paper to make a banner for the party! 

Here is the birthday boy with his G-ma!!! 

I found inspiration for this ducky punch on, of course, Pinterest. It was delicious! 

Mace surprised us all and wasn't too into his ducky cake. I thought he was going to devour it, but maybe it freaked him out a little. Who knows, but he was really timid with it. (I think he just didn't want to ruin daddy's awesome creation!). Either way, he was happy when he got a piece of the regular cake!  

Mommy trying to egg him on

 Happy boy eating his cake! 

'Do you want some?!'

Here he is after the traditional 'after cake' bath! 

Present time! 

Loving his new sun hat from Auntie and Uncle! 

After presents, Britton and Mason had fun playing with balloons while the others were out starting the water fight! 

Water fight time

The kids (and most of the grownups) were soaked and loving it! 

Auntie Amber! 

 Great-Gma Jean was in on it too

Papa filling up the ammo

And here are the adorable cousins enjoying a snack as the party was winding down. James is still pretty wet!! 

We had such a fun time celebrating Mason, thanks to everyone who joined us!!!! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Mason Lucas!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalm 139:13-14

One year ago, we welcomed our third little man into our lives. It is so hard to believe that we just met him a year ago, it feels like he has been a part of our lives forever. This year has been amazing; fun, busy, exciting, and challenging. I read an article recently that stated going from 2-3 children is the hardest transition a family can go through. As far as I am concerned, that theory is true! While there have been a few tough moments, I would not trade them for anything in the world! 
Enjoy some pictures of Mason's first year, and my letter to him at the bottom! 

Mason Lucas, 7lbs 8oz , born June 6, 2012

I'm sorry, was that birth tiring for you too?! :) 

I absolutely LOVE Miles's face in this picture!!! First time meeting each other! 

First attempt at family picture as a family of 5. Tired much! :) 

Mason, 2 mos old (We caught winks whenever we could this year!)

Mason 3 months old

Typical picture attempt :) 

Mason 4 mos old

Mason 7 months old

Mason 10 months old

Mason @ 1 year old

To my dear Mason on your first birthday,
It is impossible to believe that a whole year has passed since you came into our lives. Your presence in our family is perfect and we all love you so much. You were my hardest birth so far, although I hear that hard is a relative term. :) There is so much I love about you. I love how determined you are. Just last night, while the brothers were playing in the clubhouse, I watched you try for 15 minutes to climb up the slide to get to them. You refused to give up, and it made me so proud watching you. You are determined in other, not-so-fun areas of your life too; you are determined to be my first child to nurse past his first birthday; you are determined NOT to sleep through the night no matter how hard we try; and you are determined to crawl instead of walk, even though I am sure you could walk if you wanted to. That determination will come in handy in life, dear son, so don't ever stop trying!

You hate to be told no. If someone tells you no, you stick out your big pouty lip in a dramatic fashion and proceed to wail uncontrollably and put on quite the production. Unless, however, it is mom telling you NO. Then you laugh and giggle and continue on your merry way.

You make everyone happy with your big dramatic wave and your smile. Even the grumpy old man in line behind us at the grocery store (yes, the one who desperately tried to ignore you but couldn't resist your charms!!). Everyone you see, you call 'Dada'. The dog, me, your big brothers, and even that grumpy old man! But you truly know who your Dada is... your face lights up and you try to leap out of my arms everyday when you see his truck pulling up. Other than Dada, your other favorite word to say is 'That?' Whenever you see something, you ask 'That?' As in, 'What's that?' C-to the UTE =)

And boy, do you like to eat!! I guess you got that trait from Mama. :) You eat anything and everything, and Lord help the person who is feeding you if they leave you with an empty tray momentarily! Your brothers were both timid when presented with their first birthday cakes... somehow I don't think you will have the same reaction!

Your brothers have nick-named you 'Goudee' and I love how much they love you. (And how much you love them!!) You are growing so fast, and you are the first Shiver boy to actually be wearing the size clothes that correspond to your age. Each time I pack away another set of clothes you have outgrown, I can't help but think that perhaps it is the last time one of my babies will wear those clothes (and really, it is time for some pink in our wardrobe!!).

I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming, and I am so very excited to see where God leads you in your next year, and beyond. I love you, sweet Goudee!
