Friday, January 25, 2013

My Pantry Makeover

So, 2013 is upon us, and I am in the midst of what I like to call 'the year of the closets.' LOL. No seriously though, I am on a mission this year to de-clutter, minimize, and ORGANIZE! Thanks to Pinterest, I have no shortage of ideas. In fact, I wasn't even sure where to start. My sweet husband came out of the blue a few weeks ago and told me he would redesign my pantry for me. As our family grows, and our boys are eating more than peas and carrots, I have had to cram more than ever into our pantry. I do 99% of our grocery shopping at Costco, which is great and economical, but also calls for some creativity storing 4 ketchup bottles, 24 paper towel rolls, 20 cans of tomato paste, 6 packages of spaghetti noodles, you get the picture.  After 5 years in our house, those cheap wire shelves that were built into the pantry just weren't cutting it, especially for cans and snacks, and we were just throwing stuff in and inevitably wasting food because we couldn't find some of it before it went bad! So, my first project of the year was tackling this pantry. Those of you who know Miles know how awesome he is, and he can pretty much build or make anything I ask him. He sat down with me last weekend, we went over what I usually stock the pantry with, measured the height of everything, and drew up a plan for what we wanted. Two sheets of MDF, some paint and a lot of saw dust later, the project is done. He and Miles completed the entire thing last Sunday morning. I mean, literally it went from a sheet of wood to what you see in the picture below in about 5 hours. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.


 During......(we took the shelves down, repainted in the closet, painted the shelves, and then installed the new ones).


The bottom left corner is designed for a full box of paper towels. As you can see, I need to make a Costco run.

Now, if you need me, I will likely be standing in front of the pantry with a big smile on my face. I may or may not be singing the 'Hallelujah Chorus.' :)

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