Friday, December 14, 2012

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

 My family and I are counting down the days until Christmas. For us, next weekend kicks everything off. We've got work Christmas party, neighbor Christmas party, and then our big Christmas Eve dinner back to back to back. And as excited as we are, I am trying to grab onto these last days, knowing that I won't ever again have a 3, 2, and 6 month old... they are only going to get bigger and inevitably lose some of the innocence of these times. We've been reading new Christmas books each day, we've done some super fun crafts, and we've baked probably 4 dozen cookies in the last week! (Thankfully, I've managed not to eat them all!!!). Before I jump into our week's activities, lets take a look at what Zach has been up to!!

He got the Ninja Turtle into the fun! 
Fishing in the fish tank. Miles V was pretty concerned that Zach was going to catch his fish! 

Christmas tree: 
Our 2012 Christmas tree is a beauty, and once again we have Galloping Grace Youth Ranch to thank. (This is the same place who hosts the Pumpkin Patch I blogged out in fall). They put on a great "Christmas Corral"  for the kids, and we had a wonderful Saturday morning there two weeks ago.

Here is our beautiful tree!!! 

My adorable Miles playing in one of the life-sized gingerbread houses.

This was Max having a conversation with Santa. It was SO adorable!!! 

My sweet family!!! 

Ah the wonders of Christmas!!! 
 Cookies and Candy: 
The boys are adorable frosting their cookies! They were so sweet too, they wanted to take some over to our neighbors! 

This big brother loves his baby so much!. He wanted to hold Mason, like always. I went to get the camera and came over and found them cuddling like this. This is a framer for SURE!!! 

It doesn't matter that I am not artistic. These kids LOVED doing this gingerbread house! 

Lol love their faces! 

And of course we ate some frosting! 

We also attended 'River of Lights' at the ABQ Biopark on Monday night. I will be posting a separate blog about that. Happy Friday!

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