There are many days in motherhood that I wish I could do over. There are many moments of impatience, anger, frustration and utter exhaustion that I wish I could take back. But there are oh, so many rewarding moments, and last night was one of them.
Mason had his 6 month well check (more on that later), and afterwards Miles V, Mason and I headed in one direction and Max and daddy went in another. With three kids time alone with each one is at a premium, and we try to do one on one time every once in awhile. Last night was Max's turn. Max wanted to go to Chick-fil-a for dinner, which also would have been Miles's choice, so we did mommy's choice last night and ended up at... of course Chipotle! :0) I was carrying the car seat and Miles opened the door for Mason and I. As we entered the busy, loud restaurant there was some hip-hop music playing. My (almost) 4 year old proceeded to let loose and dance across the entire restaurant not caring who was looking or who was watching. He just smiled and laughed and had his own little party. I couldn't help but stand back and smile and realize---these are the moments that make all the hard times worth it. My children are happy, healthy, confident, and smart.... not to mention adorable and hilarious I don't spend enough time enjoying them. So, from now on, I'm going to take Miles's example and dance more, and not care who is watching. I am going to laugh at the silly things and throw my hands up at the hard things. I am so thankful for the lesson God taught me on a busy Thursday night at Chipotle!
Ok, no on to some not-so-serious stuff. First things first:
Our Elf, Zach:
This year, we've had a visitor join our family. He showed up the morning after Christmas and looks like he will be staying until Dec 24th... Hes been up to some very silly, funny, and sometimes naughty stuff. Here are a few glimpses of Zach's mischief...
First we found him hanging from the garland.... |
The next morning he had opened and dumped the contents of the boys drawers..... |
After that incident the boys told him to be good so he chose a quiet position the next day.. |
And here is he sledding down the banister. |
We've downplayed the 'Zach is watching your behavior and reporting back to Santa' aspect as much as we can and we are just having fun watching what Zach does each morning. He has also drinken syrup from the bottle with a Ninja turtle, gone fishing in the fish tank, and today he is reading a story to Mickey, Ninja Turtles, Buzzlight year and a squirrel. So there you have it!
2012 Griswold Shiver House
Each year Miles out does himself. What an amazing man I married to take time to do this for us. The kids LOVE it, and this mamma does too. Great work sweet husband!!! xoxoxo
Mason's 6 Month Well-check:
I must have typed it wrong. There is no way my newest little man is already half a year old!!!!!! Time is going tooo fast and he is growing like a weed! Miles and I both thought he was bigger than the other boys, but it turns out that's not accurate. Here are his stats:
Height: 25 3/4 inches----30th percentile
Weight: 14.6lbs-----10th percentile!!
I don't have Miles's stats handy, but we looked yesterday and Miles' weight was also the 10th percentile at his 6 mo, but Miles's height was 40th percentile. So we are thinking Mason just looks a bit chunkier because he is shorter so all his fat kind of bunches up. :)
Maxwell, on the other hand, was our littlest guy (even though they have all been small!). Max was 25 1/2 inches and only 13.4lbs. Mason has over a pound on him!!!! I'm so excited to see what the future holds for these three boys. Mason so far is our little linebacker. The kid eats everything we give him (case in point--today I made him some steamed carrots, which pretty much everyone else in my house hates) and he ate almost the whole bowl! Dr. Koil said he has the motor skills of a 9 month old (evidenced by the fact that he is sitting up on his own and is just days away from crawling). He is our most giggly baby. Most of the time all we have to do is look at him, peekaboo him, or sing him a funny song (his most favorite songs are 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' and 'Call Me Maybe") and he will smile and do his adorable belly laugh. (Yes, I said Call Me Maybe... at least its not Baby Got Back!!!).
Waiting for Dr. Koil with my little man. Yes, he is sucking on a syringe. We figure its good to start bad habits early. :) |

We've spent a lot of time the past week doing Christmas crafts (but I can't post those pictures since most of them will be given as gifts!)... baking several batches of Christmas cookies and decorating them, and picking out and decorating our Christmas tree. I love this time of year. I love seeing the joy when the boys see our house lit up. I love going shopping with them and having them pick out special gifts for Daddy. I love seeing their enthuasium when I help them glue cotton balls onto a paperplate and call them Santa. But I love most of all that they know why we celebrate Christmas. They know that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, and that Jesus died so we could live with him forever. And I absolutely love that the two olders ones can both repeat Isaiah 9:6... we've been working on it for two weeks and they both did it flawlessly for me at breakfast this morning. And so I leave you with it.... have a blessed week!!!
For a child is born to us,
a son is given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
And he will be called:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.