Here we are waiting to be called:
Miles and I think that Mason is a little bigger than the other boys, who have always been on the TINY side (off the charts small). He is the only one of our kiddos who has adorable little fat rolls on his legs. In reality, he is really in line with where both Miles and Max were at this age. Mason's height was 24 3/4 inches (50th percentile) and 13lbs exactly (12th percentile). We looked at Max's chart yesterday again and it wasn't until his 9 month well check that he 'fell off the charts'. So we will see where the next few months take us!
We also spoke with Dr. Koil about the fact that Mason went from waking up only two times/night to waking up every two hours on the hour the past two weeks. As I suspected, Dr. Koil recommended we start him on baby cereal. After putting Mason on his tummy, he said that he has the motor skills of a 6th month old (as evidenced by the fact that he can already 'scoot' himself a little bit when he is on his tummy). He thinks that maybe he is just hungry. So, we tried cereal last night, and maybe it was the shots, but I'm optimistic thinking that he only woke up twice last night as a result of the cereal. One can hope!!!
After his appointment daddy and I snuck away and took a quick walk at the mall.... and then had a quick dinner at Chipotle before heading back to our other boys. It was a fun day, and such a blessing to see how healthy Mason is! Thanks Mimi for your help!!
He was all tuckered out from his big day at the doctor!
What the heck is this you are putting into my mouth?!....? LOL
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