Amber's co-worker owns a big cabin there that she rents out. It was a blast from the past with the 70s decor, but the cabin was wonderful. It had plenty of room for us all (3 bedrooms and a giant loft), large kitchen/dining area and big living room for us all to spread out.
We got there later than anticipated Thursday after a slight car problem (luckily noticed before we left!). We had dinner and put the kids to bed. It really was a vacation too, because they had cable!!! Haha.
Miles and I slept in the loft and Max and Miles slept in the same room. It was a blessing to have a door for them! Friday, Miles, Amber, Charlie & Janet got up early and headed out to Sunrise Ski Hill to enjoy some of the warm temps but snow-covered mountain. I had all three boys on Friday until about 2, and it was a blast. I couldn't help picturing that being my life in just a few short months... :). The boys and I did make a trip to the ski hill to have lunch with everyone and try Miles V out on his skis. He is only 3 (almost), so he didn't do very well. But he did try and that is the important thing!
Thursday night we had burgers and fries (more like over-cooked bone like things-stupid electric oven) :). The boys had fun playing together... for the most part everyone shared and we all sat there just watching them play and laughing at all the cute things they do! After they went to bed the grownups (Papa had joined us earlier that day after speaking at a work thing Friday morning) played a few rousing rounds of the game "Apples to Apples." We had a blast, and as always created great memories (with your FACE!) haha had to be there.
Here are some pics for our wonderful time playing around the fire:
Saturday everyone debated going skiing again, but in the end we all wanted to be together, so we just hung out and relaxed. We took the kiddos to play in the snow outside the cabin, and even mommy and daddy enjoyed some fun on the tire swing :0). In the afternoon we took a long walk and then got ready after being lazy all day! Saturday night we went out to eat and celebrated Amber's birthday. We came home and ate cake, and Miles V even got to open his (early) birthday present from his Aunt and Uncle.
Here are some pics playing outside in the snow and on the tire swing:
Sunday morning we woke up to beautiful snow, and by the time we left around 11 we had probably gotten 3 inches or so! It was so beautiful, and the best part was that we didn't have to drive through any snow on the way home once we got out of Pinetop.
Thank you, Amber & Charlie for arranging this trip. We had a BLAST and hope we can do it again soon!
Love seeing all those happy faces!