Is it possible that tomorrow I will be the mother of a 2 year old, and a (almost) 6 month old!?! SERIOUSLY, where had the time gone?! I feel like just yesterday Miles and I were sitting at Grandma Ann's house, eating spare ribs and sauerkraut, convinced that Miles V was never going to come out!!! :) Little did we know 8 hours later, he would be here and would change our lives forever!
I was telling a friend recently that being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, hardest, most exciting, and exhausting job of my life. But also that it is the most important. I would not trade ONE second of the last two years for anything in the world. Even despite the tears and whining (not to mention those days when the kids are in a bad mood), :0) it is all worth it to have these precious blessings under our constant care.
Before I go any further, I want to thank all of you out there that have helped us over the past two years. And to our boys grandparents especially. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!
As I said, tomorrow, Miles V will be 2. And I want to share a few things about him. First, he is a lover. He loves to give hugs. Earlier today, I told him I was a little sad. He hugged me, cupped my face in his hands, kissed my cheek, and said "Momma, no sad anymore." And he was right. I wasn't. :0) He is HILARIOUS. Here's an example of one of the billion ways he has made us laugh. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We are very strict in limiting his TV time to two mickeys (about 40 minutes total) per day. So lets just say when he gets to watch, he pays attention. Well, in the beginning of the show, Mickey says "To make the clubhouse appear, we get to say the magic words..Meeska, Mouska, Mickey Mouse!" The other day, he asked for some "coccorn" (popcorn). Daddy said, "Miles, you have to say the magic word." And you can probably guess what he said: "Meeska, Mouska, Mickey Mouse!!" Haha, that wasn't exactly what we were going for, but it got a laugh, that's for sure.
Miles loves his little brother. Max has just started saying "Mamamamama." Miles loves that he can now interact a little better. And Max just lights up when he makes eye contact with his big brother. I have a feeling these two are going to be best buds (and make some mischief along the way I'm sure)!
Miles is SMART. Our friend, Dana, and I were on the phone the other day. I asked Dana if she wanted to say hi to Miles. Miles proceeded to have a full conversation with her. She was amazed. As am I everyday when he learns new words, new ways to express himself. I very often find myself underestimating him. And for that, shame on me. He also consistently goes poop on the potty (its been about 2 months with no poopy diapers), and about 4 since he started pooping the majority of time on there. MOnday, we are starting to train him to go "tee tee".
Miles loves going to church, playing on the Wii, going to the library for story hour, and going to the pool on Friday nights to swim and play in the pool. He loves to go out to eat and order "Chicken nuggets and mashed totatoes", and he loves to "tackle" dada.
Oh, what an amazing two years it has been.
Miles V, I love you with all my heart. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you and your life.
Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from Miles's first two years!!
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