My neighbor, Trisha and I, tried working out this morning and it started off sort of disastrous, considering we both have two kids. Between the two of us there were four boys.. Caden (4), Jace (20mos), Miles (20mos), and Max (2mos). Play upstairs in Jace and Caden's room? No, that equaled two screaming toddlers. Watch a short movie upstairs in Trisha's room? No, Miles lost interest really fast when he realized it was not Mickey Mouse.. and Jace (who is 10 days older than Miles) soon followed. So they all came back downstairs and played around while we worked out. Trisha's dog, Lady (this tiny little dog), liked to get under our feet.... and between that and the toddlers squishing bananas into the carpet, it was distracting to say the least. BUT I know I got a good workout because a) I can hardly walk I am so sore, and b) I was so tired I needed to lay down when the boys went down today for the first time in a long time.
But, I guess I can feel the pounds melting away--at least I hope it is the pounds and not my muscles just disintegrating from lack of use these past nine months :) I'll keep you posted on how I am doing. I've got the working out "under control", now if I can just avoid the package of brownies that is calling my name from the pantry.... :)
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