Sunday, February 17, 2013

Toy/Coat Closet

We had a fun, busy and full weekend but my husband managed to tackle our February closet project. Let me say this closet hasn't always looked quite this messy, but knowing that the plan was to work on it soon, I kind of just let it go. :0) We don't have a playroom in our house, so our downstairs den doubles as our family room and play room. I love that the kiddos are always around when we are home, but I don't love the mess that sometimes ensues. Well, here was our solution: 

Closet before:

Coat closet after:

The bins need some labels, I still have a little more organizing to do, but other than that... WOW. Miles, you've outdone yourself once again! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome Home, Dolly-girl!

People have been asking me if I am crazy to bring a puppy into our house at this time of our life. I mean, we already have a dog, we have three kiddos, I haven't had more than a three hour stretch of sleep in eight months, and about a zillion other things going on at one time. So YES, I  must be a little bit crazy. But the reason that I said yes is simple. I love my husband. He works his tail-feathers off for this family, both at work and when he gets home. He is the most amazing dad and husband, he is always there for me on good days and bad, and, well, he asked for a puppy, and I finally said yes. You probably remember our amazing dog Kramer who we lost last February. Well, after he passed away I said I wouldn't ever get another dog because it was too heart breaking to lose him. Miles felt differently and he wanted a new puppy almost immediately. Not to replace Kramer, of course, but because he gets so much joy from our dogs. I do too, I  just wish I didn't have to potty train her AND my two year old! (Although the puppy is proving to be a much easier student!!). Anyway, crazy I may be, but Dolly is here to stay!

When I finally told Miles that I was ok with the idea of getting another puppy, he researched and found Willow Creek Kennels in Minnesota. They are a great place, very reputable, and got great reviews from past puppy-purchasers. Combine that with a two-day trip to visit with his BFF Luke, and Dolly was ours. 

Miles went and picked her up three weeks ago, and she is settling in nicely. She has learned to use the dog door, loves Sawyer to death (Sawyer, on the other hand, could pretty much careless), and is sleeping through the night. Miles and Max are awesome helpers with her. She is absolutely adorable and we love her to pieces! 

And to answer your question, sweet husband of mine, EVERYTHING I buy for her will continue to be pink!!! 

The boys made signs to take to the airport!!

Here they are waiting for Daddy and Dolly!

Teaching Dolly to go 'tee tee!'

First time getting to hold our girl!

She is loved!!! 
First meal at home

Cuddling with Geez

Cuddling with Daddy

Cuddling with Miles!

She is such a pretty girl! 

Welcome home, sweet girl!!!!!

Miles Turns 4!

Its true... our first little 'baby' turned four last month! I absolutely cannot believe it. Everyone tells me constantly how quickly time flies by, and it is so true. It really seems like yesterday that we were bringing Miles home from the hospital and trying to figure life out with a new baby. Fast forward (because thats how quickly it seems like it has been going) and we now have a handsome, caring, loving smart four year old boy. 

Miles is amazing. He is reading short books all by himself (he only gets hung up on words where the 'C' sounds like an 'S' and some of the other silly rules that make English difficult). He loves to 'draw' plans for things, like how to build a barn out of legos for his farm animals, and write directions for making a cake. He loves to make crafts for people; almost daily daddy and I are given beautiful pieces of art work. He is always thinking of others, and he loves to make crafts to give to his grandmas and his papa. Tuesdays and Thursdays are his school days, and Thursdays are his favorite because after school he gets to go to Great-Grandma Jill's house after school until Daddy picks him up. G-Gma Jill loves on him and of course spoils him rotten. I love this little boy so very much, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for his future. 

The week of his birthday, our friends, Scot and Dana called and asked if they could take Miles out for a special afternoon to celebrate his birthday. They picked him up and took him for pizza and then out to Cold Stone for ice cream. Below are a few pictures that Dana sent me. 

Dana said the lady at Cold Stone was so impressed with how polite Miles was that she gave him his ice cream for free!!! 

Here are Miles and Uncle Scot

We asked Miles what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he said he wanted to have a party with a jumping castle and invite his friends over. The jumping castle unfortunately didn't work out because our backyard just isn't big enough for it. But he had some of his very best buddies over, we made ice cream sundaes and of course had some snacks and birthday cake. The kids played together and had a fabulous time.
Heres the birthday boy waiting for his friends to come over! 

Of course he had to show off his new 'ride'... Here he is driving his friend Samson, Owen, and Max around the neighborhood. 

Here are his friends Samson (left) and Owen (right). Miles and Owen are BFFs from school and Samson is one of his friends he has known the longest. His mommy and I met at storytime when the boys were less than a year old! 
Owen's sweet family is almost parallel to ours. Owen and Miles are  a month apart in age...then Max and their middle son, Caleb are two months apart, and in the picture below you'll see Mason and Micah. Micah is just a week older than Mace. Twins, much?!?!

Cake and presents!! 

Here is birthday brother Max!!!  

Happy 4th birthday to our sweet, wonderful firstborn!