Miles V 3 year:
Miles was fully prepared at this visit (as much as a 3 year old can be) to get shots, but it turns out he didn't need any. Next year though, he will need his final set and will get 3. But anyway, he weighed in at a whopping 26.4 lbs (he has gained 1.5lbs since his 2 year check), and he is 35 1/2 inches tall. He is still in 24 mos and 2T clothing :). Anyway, he FINALLY made it on the charts. His whole life he has been either 3rd percentile or less, and today he was 10th percentile for height and weight. Alright Miles!
Here is our happy guy ready to see Dr. Koil!

Maxwell 18 months:
Max has always been tiny, even more than his less than 3rd percentile brother. But today, he hit a new record. His height was originally measured at 29 1/4 inches by the nurse, and he weighed in at 17.9lbs! Dr. Koil was concerned about his height b/c it had actually gone down since the last time, so he remeasured him and got him at 30 1/4. So he wasn't concerned about his growth very much, especially since we have a family history of tiny babies (my husband, my brother..). Anyway, I took a picture of his growth chart so you could see his new record:

So that last dot on the right is his current spot on the chart, and you can see his curve. That last line on the bottom is the 3rd percentile... which puts Max about negative 14. Yes, thats -14th percentile!! Haha. Like I said though he thinks Max will level off soon. We went over his eating habits (which are FINE, although slightly picky, but what kid isn't), his sleeping habits, etc. overall, he is a healthy, albiet tiny, kid. He is still wearing 6-9 months clothes, which is actually really nice because he hasn't grown out of much in like a YEAR! Sorry if you see him wearing the same clothes over and over. haha.
Yes I'm tiny but I sure am cute!!!

We are so thankful God continues to bless us with healthy kids!!
And of course, a reward after all that hard work at the dr was in order, so it was off to Chick-fil-a for lunch!

Oh yes, and Dr. Koil, we've thought about it and there is no way the new baby's name is going to be Alwyn! Lol!
Have a great weekend!