Yes, this is just a little recap of the past month in the Shiver house. I'm sorry I've been away so long. I'm really trying to keep up with this for all you family far away.. I can't tell you how often I THINK of blogging, or sit down to blog only to have a baby wake up from a nap, a dog puke, or a 'fire' needing to be put out. So I'm sorry, and I'll try to do better, really.
So, to expand on the above, in a few short sentences. Yes, the Packers are on top again, the Lombardi trophy has come home! Oh man I am still on a high from it and probably will be for several years. Yes, I said years. I need to publicly apologize to Aaron Rodgers for being angry with him when Brett (who?!?!) was still around. Aaron, you have totally redeemed yourself. You are incredible, and I can't wait to see you play next year!!
At the beginning of the month we had a huge cold front and snow storm move through here. It started snowing on a Monday night, and we woke up with about 3 inches. The boys played outside in it, and daddy had off work for two days. Bad for business, but we really enjoyed the time together. The schools were shut down Tuesday-Friday due to the cold, and gas shortages throughout New Mexico. Coming from a state that has about a zillion snow storms a year, it is hilarious to me to see how this state reacts to snow!!!
Amber and James came last weekend to visit us. Amber and I were able to sneak away Friday afternoon for some sushi and shopping, while the kiddos stayed with the grandmas. I think it was fun for everyone! I know I had a BLAST and wish that the Elmer family lived here so we could enjoy more of those precious moments!
We've been battling a cold/stomach upset/fever bug for the past week. Miles V has been hit the worst, and is right now at the doctor with his daddy. In a way we are hoping he has strep throat, or something they can give him medicine for. He is just feeling terrible, and I want to be able to do something for him to feel better! Mommy and Daddy haven't been feeling the best lately either, but little Max is so far, so good! Thankful for the antibodies that I pass on to him from nursing!
Speaking of Max, he now sits up and plays with his toys!! He is such a big boy!!! Tonight, daddy even put him in the bathtub with his brother WITHOUT his tub!! It was such a joy to watch them sharing toys and 'playing' together. I thank God everyday for giving us babies so close together in age, and for giving us boys to grow up together. I would not have it any other way!!! Max is also quite the talker. He is always babbling on about something ('hi da' or 'dadadadada'). I think he learned the "constant talking" trick from his older brother :).
And yes, tonight Miles and I were watching Veggietales with Miles V and they were talking about love. I asked Miles who he loves, and he said "God." Ahh, to hear all the things we are working on teaching him come back out of his mouth... I love my boys!!
I'll post some pictures soon. I need to take some recent ones. Until then, so long, and I will try to keep this better updated!!