During the holidays, I introduced Miles V to what USED to be my favorite Christmas song. "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas." I say used to because after hearing the same song 14 times a day, it kind of grates on you. :) But it gives him such joy that it is hard to say no.
We hosted our annual Christmas Eve dinner, and it was perfect! Prime rib, twice baked potatoes, sweet potato casserole, broc & cheese casserole... mmmmm. This year, we dearly missed our sister Amber, Charlie, and our nephew James. But, hopefully they will be here next year, and we did get to Skype with them on Christmas day!
Here are a few pictures to enjoy from Christmas Eve!
Santa called Miles V on Skype. It was the coooolest thing! You know Santa, always up on the latest technology!
The whole gang!
Our precious family!)
Miles's annual Christmas Eve gift (new jammies!!)
Christmas day, we got up and opened our presents as a family. As always, Santa was too good to all of us! When we were done opening, we got ready, (left a gigantic mess that took 5 days to clean up) and headed to Gma and Papa's house for Christmas #2!!! Santa was toooooo good to us there, as usual! Papa made an amazing breakfast, and we got to "see" Auntie Amber, Uncle Charlie, and cousin James!
Miles Skyping with James :)
Next, we headed to Great Grandpa Chrone and Great Grandma Jill's house for more amazing food, and fun times with the Shivers--Nancy and Jim, and Jake and Clarissa! We attempted to put the boys down to nap there, and we were 1 for 2, getting Max to sleep for awhile. After they got up, we headed over to G-Gma Jean's house for Christmas #3. We enjoyed yet MORE delicious food, gifts, and then headed outside to play a gigantic game of touch football. I have to say it, of course, my team won!!!!
After the boys actually got some sleep at G-Gma's house, we packed up our BRIMMING car and headed over to Mimi's house, where yet again Santa was too good to us. After my very strategic and organized husband packed the last remaining gifts into our car, we headed home to crash into a present/food induced coma. We layed around and did nothing for the next week. Ok wait, that was a beautiful dream I had... we actually cleaned up a bit, and did manage to get some sleep.
Christmas this year, despite really missing some of our family, was amazing. We are blessed beyond words, and I don't only mean with the material stuff. We are blessed with a God who loved us so much that he sent his son to die for us so that we would not have to be separated from Him eternally. And that is truly the reason for the season!!!
Now Christmas is gone, and we look forward to a wonderful 2011. And like my cousin Susie said, Christmas may be gone, but it looks like the hippopotamus song is here to stay!!!
God Bless!